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The Government  
Deputy Prime Minister

Sabine Monauni

Sabine Monauni has been Deputy Prime Minister of the Principality of Liechtenstein since 25 March 2021.

Curriculum Vitae

Name Sabine Monauni
Function Deputy Prime Minister since 25 March 2021
Ministry Ministry of Home Affairs, Economy and Environment
Date of Birth 10 April 1974
Place of Residence Mauren
Civil status married, two children


2000 - 2001 Postgraduate Studies in European Law (Master of European Law, LL.M.), College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium
1994 - 1999 Postgraduate Studies in European Law (Master of European Law, LL.M.), College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium
1986 - 1994 Grammar School, Vaduz, Liechtenstein (baccalaureate type B)

Professional career

July 2016 - 2021 Ambassador of the Principality of Liechtenstein to Belgium and Head of the Liechtenstein Mission to the EU
2015 - 2016 Senior Advisor to the Minister of Social Affairs, and Head of Unit ad interim, Equal Opportunities Unit, Vaduz
2014 Diplomatic staff member (Counsellor), Office for Foreign Affairs, Vaduz
2010 - 2013 College Member, EFTA Surveillance Authority, Brussels, Belgium
2003 - 2010 Deputy Head of Unit, EEA Coordination Unit of the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein, Vaduz
2001 - 2003 Legal Officer, EEA Coordination Unit of the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein, Vaduz

Supplementary positions

Since 2021 Member of the Party Executive Committee of the Progressive Citizens' Party (FBP)
2006 - 2010 Member of the Board of the University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz

Curriculum vitae as PDF

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